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Getting by (A Knight's Tale) Page 2

  I didn’t get a name, but I convinced her to give me a couple of hours with her. It took me a glass of wine and the promise of decadent pastries. We stopped at different stores to admire the local products. She bought a few scarves, a pair of shoes, hair knickknacks and souvenirs, all in cash, and none of her cards or identifications showed inside her wallet. I watched very closely every time she opened and closed it.

  Before I could make a move, Mitch called, reminding me we had plans for the evening and I couldn’t cancel them. Fucking Serendipity, he loved to tease me. Once again she refused to give me a name and a number. “Let it go.” She crinkled her nose. “Life happens. There’s a reason for everything. Now, move on, Pretty Boy, and stop those stalkery tendencies.”

  Her speech annoyed the hell out of me, and I shut her up with a kiss. Gentle at first. I explored her lips and got them used to mine, and continued with some pressure as my tongue begged to be let inside, gliding slowly until I met hers and had a quick play date. Our mouths synchronized with each other, producing enough pyrotechnic material to ignite the entire European continent.

  “Until next time, Pretty Girl.”

  The next time wasn’t as long as the others. Serendipity put her next to me, in The Ritz Hotel. K&W, the advertising company my brother Liam headed in London, held yet another stupid office celebration, and I had to attend—being a silent partner and all. For obvious reasons, I didn’t divulge to my nosy family, I arrived late. Before heading to the room I reserved to change into my formal attire, I made my way to the ballroom where they held the event to give Liam a quick apology.

  “This sucks,” an angry voice, belonging to a beautiful woman who wore a pretty yellow dress kicked the door of the room next to mine with her pointy yellow shoes and cursed. “Two keys, next time ask for two. You demagnetized it—again. They’re going to think you’re stupid and crazy for talking to yourself.”

  Chapter 2


  I WASN’T COUNTING ON seeing him again, but darn, once again he magically appeared out of nowhere. Now he was in front of my hotel bedroom while I fought with the key and the door; another demagnetized badge to add to my Brownie vest.

  “I’m on duty,” a voice came from behind.

  Great, Pretty Boy’s going to laugh, or worse kiss me until I lose my mind. Yes please.

  “The way I see it, you have two options. One, we go downstairs and get you a new card, or you can sleepover next door.” He wiggled both eyebrows. “We can continue that kiss the rude pedestrians interrupted.”

  Can you say blunt? He remembered the stupid kiss. Who wouldn’t? If those are his kisses, I can only imagine what he’ll do during the sleepover. Dangerous territory, did I remember how to do it? Wait, is he timing me? Cocky boy, now he’s whistling the jeopardy song. Everything but that, he’s attacking me with my own weapons.

  “You’re looking for more than a sleepover, right?” I scratched my nose and crinkled it. He looked up to the ceiling searching for spiders, checking the structure or praying for strength. Maybe he would give up and decided to turn around, regretting he asked me to sleep with him. Longing, and the need to share something with him, pushed me to make a decision so unlike me. “I can’t fight it, what are the odds. This is what, five chance encounters, well technically four since I only saw you earlier today. I should’ve skipped the party and stayed in my room; decision making is a bitch. How much did you pay Serendipity—because, man, you are consistent.”

  His grin, followed by a few movements to open the door of his room, made my legs wobble. Yet, I followed him while my mouth mumbled more nonsense. “You got protection, Pretty Boy, because God and you only know where you have stuck that thing before me.” That was a smooth way to remind him about condoms, right? “No names, this is a once in a lifetime event. I don’t do complicated.”

  “Have you done this before?” He closed the door behind me.

  Yeah, but with a normal guy, not a godlike boy who has the power of…make me forget my…where am I?

  “Because I don’t want to—”

  “Take my V card?” I laughed, hiding the nerve-wracking moment. Would it be stupid to confess that I did it after our first encounter, because if a situation like this ever presented, I didn’t want to be unprepared? No, don’t be stupid, Emma. “Believe me you won’t. I’m twenty one.” I gave him a proud look while he frowned.

  “Not twenty five?”

  I shook my head. Since I turned twelve my body and face had always said older. Everyone believed I was a freshman in high school back then.

  “Twenty one….” His Adam’s apple moved slowly.

  I nodded. “And you?”

  “Twenty six.”

  “That’s nothing, and I’ve done it a few times, before today.” I pushed my nose making sure it didn’t grow. “Though, my experience is limited to normal stuff. I’m not into weird things, like my sister. She…well, started too early in life—fourteen,” I whispered. “Oh boy, when Dad caught her having sex with two guys… Luci wanted to hire him as his right hand guy.” His frown deepened. “Lucifer,” I clarified, “as in the fallen angel—the one who runs hell.” I threw my hands in the air as if trying to tell him to forget it, because he didn’t seem to understand me. “Anyway, last time I heard, she enjoys pain and all that fancy stuff. Or that might be a rumor—we don’t talk to each other. But I’m game for the normal.” I think?

  “You’re uncomfortable,” he said. I felt my eyes open wider and my gut tried to talk me in to jump from the window. Did he notice? “I’ll get you a new key card and we’ll forget about this. Don’t get me wrong, I’m also into normal stuff, no pain or other guys involved—I don’t like to share. And I like you—a lot. But you’re nervous.”

  “Wouldn’t you be?” Wasn’t it obvious—lack of godliness experience aside? “The kiss, come on, Pretty Boy. You swept me off my feet, got my panties excited and wow. You’ve got experience. I don’t. I’ve only gone through basic training—very basic.” I stretched the last two words. Would he notice that I barely lost my hymen and never felt the orgasm? He looked at me twice, and I didn’t know if he liked the idea or wanted to run the other way. Yet I continued making a fool of myself. “Guy on top of girl, a few movements and voila. I can’t promise I’ll do much for you.”

  “I’ll take you through the basic training; a refresher,” he said, and smirked.

  More like sex 101, I wanted to correct him, but refrained.

  Aware of how fast my heart was beating inside my chest, I wondered if this would kill me. As he approached, I felt my insides twirling for him. Pretty Boy wrapped his arms around me and kissed the hell out of me, until I forgot everything but him. The little calm I had left was shattered with the hunger of his kiss. His hands slid from the base of my throat, over my shoulders, arms, hands and hips and then continued up along my back. I wanted to combust, while my senses begged for him to stop or do something to take away the ache. To undo the pulsing knot that had formed in my stomach. As he reached the nape of my neck, he unzipped my dress and grabbed the fabric pulling it up, breaking the kiss.

  “So pretty,” he said, looking at me in awe. Left with a skimpy thong and my bare breasts, I felt gorgeous. How… when did he take off my bra? He kissed my neck, then flicked, licked and sucked my skin; shoulders, breasts, arms, tummy. My body began to tremble and beg for more, or for him to stop. I gripped his shoulders to keep myself steady. But then I wanted to explore him. Those strong biceps matched his eight pack abs, and his penetrating green eyes devoured mine, making me want to expire. “Bed,” he gasped, and gently eased me down onto it. He fondled one of my breasts and then lifted his gaze to meet my eyes giving me a playful smile. “Lesson number one, scream while I take you high enough with my fingers, babe.”


  Saturday flew by with multiple screams; Sunday made me want to be his slave; Monday was when reality kicked in.

  “No names, no numbers and let Serendipity do the job,” I said, and winked. Afte
r he gave me one last deep kiss, I went back into my own room with the new key he had requested from the front desk.

  I arrived at K&W Advertising, where Suzy, one of the creative executives, introduced herself and gave me a warm welcome. After the brief tour through the four floor brownstone that housed K&W and some other businesses, I set up shop in the conference room. Liam Knight introduced himself an hour later, apologizing for the inconvenient wait—family issues. The man reminded me of someone with his chiseled features, but this man had amber colored eyes and darker hair. I disregard my infatuation with Mr. Perfect-sex and began to discuss accounts with my now second boss. The success in the New York branch had given me the opportunity to broaden my horizons within the company and allowed me to handle accounts worldwide.

  “Jacob, what the hell?” Liam lifted his gaze when the door opened and fumed at whoever had barged in without knocking on the door. “Do I interrupt your meetings? No, no, leave my employees alone.”

  “Surveillance, I’m a genius,” the voice that told me earlier during our shower ‘that’s right, baby, scream for me’, said. “Yes, you may call me stalker, Miss….” Jacob’s grin appeared after he rotated my chair so I’d face him.

  “Anderson,” Liam, my boss said and stood next to his brother.

  That’s why he looked familiar, Emma.

  “Go away.” His eyes were about to leave their sockets. “Jake, we have an agreement. You and Mitchel stay away from my employees; I do the same with yours.”

  “Met her before, little brother.” He tilted his head and gave me a blissful smile. “Elevator-airport girl. Give us five,” he ordered.

  “Jacob Knight,” he said, and extended his hand and pulled me into an embrace. “Your turn, Miss Anderson. My little brother isn’t famous for his patience.”

  “Emma,” I said. Then he possessed my mouth, taking me back to the same place, lust-land, where we shared an unforgettable weekend. I stopped and pushed him a little to talk some reason into him. “Once in a lifetime.”

  “That was before, baby,” he said, and cupped my face. “I know, no complications, light and easy. London’s home for me, so we’ll compromise. I’ll visit, you’ll visit.” He gave me another kiss that left me wanting more after it. “Serendipity; can’t fight it. When I checked the surveillance for the shift change, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I got you.” He set his forehead over mine and caressed my hair. “You and me tonight, dinner and a sleepover. We’re moving you to my flat for the remainder of your trip. Same wave link, light and uncomplicated.”

  Why argue with what meant more mind blowing sex, and him. Jake Knight made me addicted to his arms, touch, voice and hugs from the get go. Light and uncomplicated. We began the first relationship I could handle since my parents died four years ago.


  Chapter 3


  ANNA MADE A slight turn toward the north, trying to lose the man who followed her into Central Park. The artist loved photography and accidentally she snapped a picture of a member of the—

  “Ladies and gentleman, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat-backs and tray tables are in full….” I mentally cursed when the pilot interrupted my scene. Anna lost her phone and didn’t have a way to reach James. On second thought, the interruption made sense. I needed to change the sidekick’s name. Men loved James Bond, and they’d hate it if I named the pal of my heroine after their man-crush.

  I put my abilities as a savvy traveler to work, and in less than two minutes, my laptop was tightly secured in my messenger bag, which was safely under my seat. Only seconds before the flight attendant passed through my row and gave me a glare like the one she administered to the woman in front of me. From my light jacket I took my package of gum and popped a couple pieces in my mouth. Mr. Hayashi, my friendly seat-neighbor smiled and nodded when I offered him some. Nice guy, he liked to talk and show his family pictures to anyone that would see them—me and the passengers on the other side of the isle.

  The gum was Mom’s old remedy against ear popping. Anna Lynden-Anderson was a smart, beautiful woman, mother of two and wife of Nicholas Anderson. She was remembered by a few and loved by her survivors, her parents—Nana and Grampy—and I. ‘Beloved Mother and Daughter’ her cremation monument read—I recalled, though I never visited their graves. Not since we put their ashes away five years ago. After the funeral I moved to New Haven with my grandparents. An internal alarm began to ring and I reacted just in time. Before my eyes began the next big flood, I swept the memories under the imaginary rug of not now.

  My stomach did a few flips, certainly the plane’s landing side effects I convinced myself. Not the fact that I had returned to my old neighborhood. The old daggers stabbing my chest returned as the wheels of the plane touched the runway. The tragedy that ended my family should remain buried, next to my parents.

  I slapped a hand to my forehead. Why did I agree to this torture? Oh, yes, Gaby, my childhood friend—and happily ever after believer, convinced me to join her party.

  Three months ago, she invited me to have lunch with her and Cade Muir —her boyfriend back then. Though we both lived in New York, we didn’t see much of each other. She was busy with med school, while my work kept me occupied from the early hours of the morning, until late at night. That was the beauty of being an Advertising Director for one of the best companies in London and New York.

  I arrived ten minutes earlier than the time we agreed. Who was I kidding? In truth, it had been a half hour before, to save a seat in the corner of the restaurant and to avoid any PDAs in front of the entire clientele. The five foot one explosive dynamite ignited with affection and made sure everyone around her listened to her conversations. Lovely, but at times when she talked about losing her virginity, catching her parents having sex, or similar topics, it wasn’t fun. The tables weren’t big enough to hide me until the said establishment we visited closed for the day and had emptied.

  Cade and Gaby arrived on time, the petite curvaceous brunette walked hand in hand with the more than six foot tall teddy bear. He was a mix between Winnie the Pooh and the Pillsbury man; black hair, the color of a raven, and deep brown eyes. They had been together for almost a year, a match made between Gavin—Gaby’s brother—and Cade’s cousin.

  A left hand, no, correction, a ring finger was positioned in front of my face flashing a four carat emerald cut diamond on a platinum setting. “He proposed.” She clapped excitedly and threw her arms around me. Thankfully I was ready for those out of the blue hugs, and sharing her joy, I hugged back. He took her on a carriage around Central Park, and during the ride, Cade told her she was the love of his life. Unfortunately, while on the ride he couldn’t go down on his knee and do it the old fashion way, but she forgave him because he gave her a big enough ring. I didn’t think much of it and smiled while nodding.

  “Maid of honor?” Gabs words were a low punch that hit me directly in the gut and I couldn’t recover. What kind of person would I be if I turned down such a privilege? Not even my bitchy self—Gaby trapped me. “I chose you over my cousins, so you can’t say no.”

  She chose me over her cousins, not reassuring. Sixty percent of the world’s population had some blood connection to her. Her mother was half Venezuelan, a quarter German and something else, while her father was also another sort of mix. Hence, picking a maid of honor among her family would become a hassle that no one, not even Gaby Clement, wanted to take on.

  “You need to make your hotel reservations soon.” Gaby jumped on her horse and began to write down what I needed to do. The swanky hotel located a few minutes from her parents in Menlo Park, California, had reserved a hundred rooms for the wedding. “Everyone is coming from all over the world to our event.”

  Gaby wasn’t kidding. Family from Venezuela, Germany, Ireland and other places she named, more than I could remember, were coming. What grabbed my attention was that, like Gaby, Cade had family on the other side of the Atlantic. “Wouldn’t it be more conveni
ent for everyone if you have the wedding here, in the Big Apple?”

  Her shoulders stiffened, and she lightly shook her head. Fine, at least I hadn’t brought to her attention that three months to prepare a wedding was rushing it. “Or Vegas, that’s a fun place. You can bolt and make it fast,” I said, to lighten up her mood.

  “I’d elope tomorrow, Em.” She smiled dreamily while wiggling her fingers to show the sparkly finger to the world. I wanted to puke, my life didn’t have a Cade, nor did I expect anyone to sweep me off my feet anytime soon. With hostility on my part, I was in a bitter state of mind. “But, have you met Mom?”

  Indeed, I had met her while my mom carried me inside her womb, and swore to that day that that woman was the one who made me dislike big gatherings and made me scared of crowds. They had been sharing the same fence for five years before Gaby and I appeared into this world. As I said, Gaby’s family was multicultural with a capital M. As next door neighbors we got to participate and watch one too many parties. A bullet in her heart would be less painful than her only daughter eloping. Instead, they had an entire week of activities to celebrate Gaby’s wedding. Joy.

  “You met only half of them,” she told me, while writing the colors of the wedding—black and peach—plus the activities she’d like me to consider for her bachelorette party—no strippers. “Mom invited everyone, and they’ll be there. Cade’s parents are scared, aren’t they, Cade bear?”

  “I told them about their parties,” Cade bear responded with a husky voice, hugging Gaby tightly on the side with one of his arms. “Scared the hell out of them.”

  Yay, I celebrated internally. There was company to my misery. “Of course I’ll do it. But if I have a work emergency, I’ll need to respond,” I warned Gaby.

  “Em, get a life,” she said, a subject she brought up the few times we spoke over the phone.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to San Francisco International Airport, local time is four twenty five and the temperature is fifty-seven degrees. For your safety and comfort, we ask that you please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened….”